Canine Obesity
Its a new year, and while we make new resolutions to keep ourselves healthy, it is important not to forget our greatest companions, our dogs.

Obesity in dogs is a big problem. Obesity is an increase in body fat. Dogs that are too fat can have health problems, just like people! Let's learn about some of the ways to help your dog maintain a healthy weight.
Am I feeding my dog too much?
A dog needs to eat the right amount of dog food each day to stay healthy and to keep from becoming too fat. it can be very easy for your dog to overeat, especially if you leave food in the dog dish all day long. You can avoid this by feeding your dog several small meals during the day. Here is a general guideline to help you feed your dog the right amount of kibble.
Dogs need exercise, too!
A good diet is important for keeping your dog at an ideal weight. Daily exercise is important, too. It can be as simple as taking your dong on a daily walk with you. Other great activities include swimming, playing ball or frisbee at the park, or even joining you on that morning run!
Obesity leads to other problems
Overweight dogs can be at greater risk for certain health problem. Here are a few:
- Joint pain and damage
- Diabetes
- Difficulty breathing
- Heart disease
- Lack of energy
This is why it is so important to control your dog's calorie intake and exercise him daily!
How do I keep my dog at the right weight?
It's important to know what kind of dog you are feeding. For example, a "sporting dog" needs a different diet than a "senior dog" that may not be as active. Choose a dog food formula that is more energy dense for a sporting dog. For and older dog (7 years or older), choose a diet that is designed to meet the needs of an aging dog.
Did you know that there are many foods humans eat that can be harmful to dogs? These foods are known as toxins and should not be given to your dogs. Here is a list of some foods that you should not share with your pooch:
- Chocolate
- Avocados
- Grapes and Raisins
- Citrus Fruits
- Walnuts
- macadamia Nuts
- Onions and Garlic
- Salty Snacks